So originally, this was a reply to someone on Cohost saying that the NFL is using a song from Wrestling Empire and MDickie was winning cuz of that. I had replied to it with a small tangent about how fascinating MDickie is for those who were ininitiated.

For the uninitiated Mdickie is a gamedev who's simultaneously made the shittiest games but made the funniest ones at the same time. How bad we talking one may wonder?

one of his most infamous ones has you play as a desciple of jesus. You have shoddy graphics everywhere, the games control like garbage, and it's horrifically manged christain scripture.

And it's fucking awesome. You can have a guy walk around fine with a missing leg and then just be mildly annoyed with you.

And then there's Hard Time:

Where you play as a prison inmate where everyone will make up the smallest reason to kill you, you serve only 60 days for commiting terrorism, you can make GUNS AND OPIATE IN A STORAGE ROOM, you can fucking bodyslam prisoners, and much much more absurdity.

The dude was also a huge wrestling fan from what I understand, enough that he made his own wrestling games:

They were-- you get the picture. I haven't played it myself personally but, from what I understand, they were wild shit.

This dude was popular back in the good year of 2009. Well, popular is a statement for sure. From what I read he acted on the internet like a wrestling manager on WWE would, which probably didn't endear him to some folk.

Dude retired for a bit, then started making mobile games where his bizarre games were much more well received-- although they were still appropriately janky. Even made 2D versions of You Testament and Hard Time! (The latter of which you can deadass buy on steam too, apparently)

That brings us to today, with his game Wrestling Empire, which he is still actively working on.

Apparently taking inspiration from old wrestling games of the N64 era like WWF No Mercy, it's about as unhinged as one would expect after reading all of the above.

Support my man MDickie please this dude deserves to keep winning.

Also as a fun fact, during a time of retirement, he apparently developed educational applications and published educational resources in TES. Apparently it was good enough that according to wikipedia, "his sources had been used in 10,000 classrooms and he was invited to the 2011 TES Awards".

Follow your dreams kids.