There are many characters seen throughout the Metroid Franchise, of varying importance and notoriety. Heroes, Villians, and more-often-than-not, freaky creatures! Let's take a look at all of them, shall we?


My past is not a memory. It's a force at my back. It pushes and steers. I may not always like where it leads me, but like any story, the past needs resolution. What's past is prologue.

Samus Aran, the protagonist of every Metroid game. Although she is commonly a silent protagonist (excluding Metroid: Other M), a lot of her characterization and lore comes from that which is said by other characters, included in instruction manuals, or the manga (which can be read about here).

As a young girl, Samus lived a pleasant life on the mining colony of K-2L with her parents, Rodney Aran and Virginia Aran. When she was three years old, she would befriend a Chozo visitor named Old Bird. Shortly after her newfound friend left, however. . .

Her home was attacked by the species known as the Space Pirates. Lead by the dragon-like creature known as Ridley, they attacked the innocents on the colony and slaughtered everyone there, with Samus being the only survivor-- after seeing her mother killed infront of her by Ridley.

Although the Chozo would quickly return to try and lend aid, they were too late. With Samus discovered by Old Bird., they would bring her back home to their homeworld of Zebes. When there, after being informed by the Chozo's sentient AI, Mother Brain, that it was unlikely she would survive planet Zebes' harsh enviroment, she was infused with Chozo DNA to increase her chances and; when she grew older, she was given the Power Suit-- a bio-mechanical armored suit with the ability to assimilate many different weapons and function in many enviroments.

She would train for several years underneath the tutelage of her Chozo caretakers-- Old Bird and Gray Voice, before eventually enlisting in the Galactic Federation's Police Corps for several years, becoming involved with various recon missions.

After one such recon mission, planet Zebes would fall under attack by the Space Pirates, with Mother Brain joining up alongside them and the Chozo being either killed or locked up. After an attempt by Samus to save her home, she was able to free the Chozo, but at a cost-- with the death of one of her Chozo DNA donors, Gray Voice, and the rest of the Chozo leaving, never to be seen again-- including Old Bird.

Years later, the Galactic Federation and it's military would be in constant conflict with the Space Pirates, with constant raids being conducted with terrifying displays of efficency. Eventually, one such raid would result in the Space Pirates obtaining Metroids, a dangerous and parasitic lifeform that was created by the Chozo for seemingly unknown purposes. With the Space Pirates working on a method to endlessly copy these horrific creatures, the Galactic Federation-- at it's wits end due to the power of the Space Pirates, opt to send Samus Aran to Zebes to stop the Space Pirate threat, once and for all.

And that's only the beginning of her adventures. . .


Heh, humans are always so weak to the death of their own kind! Who knows, perhaps I even ate your "mama" so that my cells may live, hmm? Is she here... or here?! AT LEAST PAY YOUR RESPECTS!

Known as the cunning god of death, Ridley is one of the major antagonists throughout the entirety of the Metroid franchise. Appearing in multiple titles as the penultimate, or even final boss of the games, Ridley is a vicious space dragon that has been Samus Aran's hated enemy since the day he invaded her home of K-2L.

Most of what is known about Ridley is what was given in the Metroid Manga. He is an infamous, brutal and merciless monster, happily enjoying the devastation and destruction wrought upon K-2L during the invasion upon it by the Space Pirate raid.

His cruelty cannot be understated, as during said raid, he attempted to murder a young Samus, only failing due to her being protected by her mother and the sacrifice of her father. Years later, he would taunt Samus about the death of her mother, claiming that he most likely ate her corpse to recover from his injuries.

Alongside his penchant for cruelty and sadism, he has been shown to be highly intelligent and strategic, befitting of his status as a high-ranking Space Pirate officer serving under Mother Brain. Time and time again, Samus and Ridley would come to blows. Each time Ridley is seemingly defeated, he always returns, ready to make yet another attempt at ending Samus Aran's life.


Any objections, Lady?

Commander Adam Malkovich was a high ranking military genius whom served in the former Federation Police Force & the Galactic Federation Army, acting as the Commanding Officer to Samus Aran during her time working underneath the Galactic Federation.

In the events leading up to Samus' attack on the Space Pirate base stationed on Zebes, Adam was the one whom gave Samus time to pull a rescue mission for any Chozo on the planet. The relationship the two had was that of trust, with him asking Samus "Any Objections, Lady?" at the end of briefings as a means to both note the trust they have, and as a joke-- knowing that Samus would not likely have any.

However, in between the events of the last excursion Samus made to Zebes, and the X-Parasite threat, Adam would lose his life due to the disasterous events that had occured upon the Bottle Ship.

(Okay I won't lie, his existence in Other M is... not widely loved. There's a lot to go on about with that, but I'll save that for The Other M page as that's a topic of it's own.

Under Construction, more characters shall be added soon!